Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida

Cotton Blends

Cotton blend fabrics are the best of both worlds: it blends the lightweight, comfortable assets of cotton with the strength, wrinkle-free, and even shines properties of other fabrics like polyester, linen, and rayon.

Cotton blend fabrics are ideal for both hot and cold weathers as it retains body heat in the winter and allows fresh air in during summer. As any cotton fabric, cotton blend fabrics do not require any special care and many combinations are even iron-free. Come by our store and experience our extensive cotton blend fabric collection and find the right fabric for your fashion project. Call or visit us today for a personalized consultation.


Showing: 1-35 of 35 Results
Pink Cotton Blended Broadcloth
Regular price $7.99
Nude Cotton Blended Broadcloth
Regular price $7.99

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