Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida


Sunbrella® fabric has become a customer favorite for outdoor furniture and textiles due to its UV-, mildew, stain, and fade resistance. Sunbrella® is incredibly durable, withstanding the strong winds, storms, rain, and sun of outdoor use with ease. Sunbrella® fabric is also ideal for maritime environments due to its high durability, making it a great choice for boat seat cushions and furniture. Sunbrella wholesale by the yard is available for all types of upholstery and accessories. Sunbrella fabrics are perfect for any home or commercial space that experiences a lot of traffic and demand, as they last two to ten times longer than conventional fabrics. Sunbrella's quality and versatility make it an easy choice for anyone looking for an outdoor fabric solution.

High-quality fabrics for home décor that don't skimp on style. Sunbrella® wholesale makes it easy to get Sunbrella® fabric by the yard with a 5-year manufacturer warranty - so you can rest easy knowing your furniture is fashionable and durable. Sunbrella offers an all-inclusive solution, allowing you to confidently choose Sunbrella fabrics for your home décor without compromising - giving you the best of both worlds! With Sunbrella, you can decorate with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that these fabrics will last for years without diminishing quality.

Transform any room in your home with Sunbrella® fabrics to ensure it withstands the wear and tear and demand of real life. At Rex Fabrics, we offer an extensive array of colors and styles of Sunbrella® fabrics; start by browsing our collection online or give us a call for personalized assistance in picking the suitable fabric for you.

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