Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida
Loro Piana Fabrics

Loro Piana Fabrics

Looking for a unique, rare fabric for your suit or jacket? Loro Piana has got your back. Included in luxury fabrics, Loro Piana offers a large variety of suiting materials, obtained from rare sources. It is a material that makes your personality stand out – be it for your big day or an important meeting. If stitched just according to your individuality, Loro Piana fabrics can become your style statement!

The Italian clothing company, Loro Piana manufactures luxury fabrics in wool and cashmere. You can choose from a large variety of Loro Piana fabrics and hire bespoke tailoring services for wearing your signature style. For that, you need to understand the variety of fabrics in Loro Piana Miami.
Showing: 1-50 of 232 Results
4 YDS Charcoal Check Wool Loro Piana Fabric
Regular price $1,199.99 $949.99
4 YDS Charcoal Solid Wool Loro Piana Fabric
Regular price $1,199.99 $849.99
4.40 YDS Blue Glen Check Wool Loro Piana Fabric
Regular price $1,349.99 $789.99
3 YDS Black Plain 100% Wool Loro Piana Fabric
Regular price $999.99 $749.99

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