Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida


Scabal started in Brussels, Belgium in 1938 and ever since, it lives up to its credo: “We never cut costs when it comes to materials. Only the noblest materials provide the results and comfort worthy of the Scabal name.”

Scabal has sold only the finest of fabrics made from the best raw materials available. Launching up to fifteen new collections each year, assembling all the latest fabrics alongside the permanent collections and special editions, Scabal is constantly at the forefront of design and innovation. Thanks to this practice, you have the possibility to choose from over 5,000 top Scabal fabrics made by only highly-skilled craftsmen.

Experience these luscious Scabal fabrics with collections such as Imperial Trilogy Super 230’s, Super 160’s Guanaco, Orchid Super 150’s, Lapis Lazuli, Vicuna Jacketing’s, Capri Cool Wool, Ascona, The Star Super 200’s and Vicuna, Triumph Super 140’s and Cashmere, Sleek Super 150’s and Silk, Image Superfine Merino Wool, and that is just to name a few. Scabal fabrics are known for being one of the highest-quality men’s fabrics, and are famous for being the most luxurious cloths in the world. Call us or visit us today to find the perfect Scabal fabrics for your garment, or schedule a personalized consultation with one of our experts.

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