Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida


Experience one of the most luxurious fabrics in the world. Dormeuil was founded in France and began importing the finest English textiles since 1842.

Our Dormeuil fabrics collection feature exclusive textiles that embody the years of research and perfection required to produce these fine, exotic fabrics. Dormeuil fabrics are the essence of luxury with unique cloths that are the product of expertly-selecting fibers, paying close attention to the length and fineness. These elements are then combined with the skills of Dormeuil’s cloth makers, who have been refining their craft in their mills in England for centuries, to create “the most luxurious cloth in the world.”

We carry exclusive Dormeuil collections such as Ambassador, Dorsilk, Extreme Vicuna, Royal Opera, Jade, White Light, Infinity, Guanashina, Iconik Tropical, Amadeus 365, Mohair, Ceremonial, British Collection, Luxury Overcoating, Pashmina and Silk, as well as the Super 110’s, Super 120’s and Super 130's, all being cloths of great natural beauty, suppleness and warmth, three of the attributes Dormeuil is most proud of.

Showing: 101-150 of 164 Results
Dark Grey Plaid Voyage Wool Dormeuil Fabric
Regular price $199.99 $149.99

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