Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida

Embroidered Tulle

Embroidered tulle is a dressmaking fabric that can be heavy or lightweight. Ultra-fine, man-made netting from Tulle, imported from Europe. Lovely, floaty, full-skirted embroidered tulles are a couture favorite, with beautiful, floaty, and full-skirted versions cropping up on celebrities all over the world.

Tulle is available in a number of colors and can be created from a variety of fibers such as nylon, rayon, or silk. Undershirts are frequently utilized for bridal apparel.

Explore our unique embroidered tulle fabrics for the best and unique styles. Embroidered Tulle & Beaded Netting Tulle Fabrics. Sold by the yard and by the panel/piece. Lightweight and very fine netting that's embroidered with beads, sequins, pearls, bugle beads, and more!

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